Insurance products.
Plant and Equipment Insurance is specifically designed to cover registered and unregistered mobile plants, as well as equipment taken to job sites.
Accidents happen, plants and equipment are stolen from sites, and people get injured. The damage to your plant can be very expensive to repair, as well as the cost of hiring a replacement item so you can complete the job. Finding the money to pay for repairs, or to buy a replacement unit if yours is stolen, can be difficult. In addition, if you're found responsible for an injury to someone or damaging property, legal defences costs and damages awarded by a court can be very expensive.
Protects your financial investment/trading profit in the event of an insured loss under Section 1 – Fire & Perils. Business Interruption Insurance reimburses you for any reduction in revenue in the event of an insurance claim such as a fire. It will help to ensure your financial commitments can be met such as loans, rent, wages & bills. It can also assist in the event you need to relocate after the loss.
Provides cover for cargo/goods in transit, while being transported within Australia or overseas. This protects your stock whilst in transit from time of pick up, to time of delivery, and also in the event of a total loss or damage while at sea. You are able to take out one off moves, or annual policies whatever your needs may be.
Is designed to cover the liability exposures faced by directors and the company in the day to day running of your business. It includes:
Directors & Officers Liability - directors have certain responsibilities (over 700 state and territory laws impose personal liability on directors for a company’s breach of the law) and legal action can be brought against them for a failure of their duties. Directors can also be personally liable and their personal assets are at risk.
Company Entity Cover – Actions can also be taken against the company for the directors failures and this section provides cover for that aspect.
Crime – is covering loss of money or property as a result of a fraudulent or dishonest act be an employee, a risk that is excluded by your burglary policy.
Statutory Liability/Civil fines and Penalties – covers fines and penalties awarded under Australian law for any civil offence or breach of OH&S regulation. Statutory Liability will not provide cover for any reckless or gross negligent conduct or and knowing or intentional breach or violation of the law.
Employment Practices – This covers claims made by past, present, future or prospective employees for an actual or alleged employment practice wrongful act, such as discrimination, unfair dismissal, sexual harassment, defamation and adverse changes in employment conditions.
Provides coverage for direct costs incurred resulting from a cyber-breach or violation or legal liability (third party) compensation to a third party affected by the breach that traditional insurance policies do not adequately cover.
Typical key elements of cover are:
Breach Costs - reimbursement of your costs when a data breach occurs.
Cyber Business Interruption - Compensation for lost of reduced revenue.
Hacker Damage - Reimbursement for costs to repair, replace or restore systems and data as a result of a hack.
Cyber Extortion - Payment of ransom demands and specialist consultants fees where hacker holds your systems to ransom.
Privacy Protection - costs and expenses associated with a privacy breach.
Cyber Liability - Claims as a result of content in email, on the intranet, extranet or website.
Insures all nominated personnel travelling on behalf of the Insured organisation. Cover can be selected for a range of exposures such as personal accident, medical expenses, additional expenses, personal liability, baggage and personal effects, travel documents, money, loss of deposits and kidnap and ransom and can be extended to cover directors, direct family members and key staff for pure leisure travel.
Please visit World2Cover for an instant quote.
Provides cover in the event of a machinery breakdown for equipment used within the business, with the option of additional cover for deterioration of stock for refrigerated items, should this be required.
Public Liability also known as Broadform Liability, this cover provides protection in the event that you are liable for an injury to a third party (not your employees) or damage to a third parties property.
Product Liability protects you in the event that you sell, manufacture or import a product that causes injury to a third party (client or customer).
Provides protection if you are in a profession where you provide advice and or a service of a professional nature, and you can be held liable should someone suffer a loss due to incorrect advice and you are not holding up your professional standards.
Directors and Officers (D&O) Liability Insurance provides your executives personal liability and financial loss protection from wrongful acts committed - or allegedly committed - in their capacity as corporate officers.
Commercial property insurance in Australia is a type of insurance coverage designed to protect commercial property owners from financial losses resulting from damage or loss of their buildings, contents, and other assets used for business purposes. It provides coverage for risks that can occur to commercial properties, such as office buildings, retail stores, warehouses, factories, and other types of commercial premises.
Personal Accident insurance is designed to help relieve financial pressure if you were to suffer an injury from an accident, or a serious illness which prevents you from being able to work or run your business.
Motor insurance can cover your motor vehicle against accidental damage and theft. It can also protect you from the financial costs of repairing or replacing another person’s vehicle caused by an accident where you’re at fault. With a motor insurance policy, you can choose to insure your car for an agreed amount, or for the market value of your vehicle.
Truck insurance is essential for truck drivers and businesses as it provides financial protection against the risks associated with operating a truck. Accidents can happen at any time, and when they do, the financial consequences can be overwhelming.
Truck insurance is very similar to car insurance in that there are two components involved: Comprehensive insurance and Third Party Insurance.
Also known as Owner Builder Construction and Public Liability Insurance, this product provides cover for potential risks owner builders face when carrying out a new build or renovation project. Owner Builder Insurance cover typically comprises of two key sections, Material Damage and Public Liability.
Provides cover for professional fees associated with audits such as:
Australian Tax Office Income Tax Audit, Fringe Benefits Tax and Capital Gains Tax Audits
WorkCover Authority Audit of WorkCover returns
Payroll Tax Audits
Optional extensions to cover audits of business owners personal affairs.
Strata Insurance is designed to cover strata titled properties, such as apartments and townhouses, against events such as a storm, fire and malicious damage. It not only covers the physical structure of the properties, but can also cover theft of common area contents, as well as liability cover for incidents which occur in common areas.
If your business takes you across the seas, you can be exposed to risks from mother nature, misadventure and even piracy. Such risks can prevent your cargo from reaching its destination, or cause costly damage during the voyage.
Marine transit insurance refers to a range of insurance products which help protect your business from loss or damage to vessels and cargo. It can cover the door to door delivery of goods worldwide, by sea, road, rail and air– including their storage on the way.
A tools insurance policy helps to reimburse the value of any lost or stolen equipment. Helping you replace your tools quickly and limit interruption to your project.
Home insurance policies cover your home and other structures around your property, such as fences, sheds and garages. Contents insurance covers the possessions within your home, such as electrical appliances, furniture and other household items.
Provides coverage for your tools, equipment & stock from loss or damage away from the premises up to the sum insured.
Money insurance protects your business money (which will include not only cash and cheques, but also items such as lottery tickets, gift cards, postal orders and stamps) by providing cover for loss or damage to it whilst on your premises or in transit.
Covers fines and penalties awarded under Australian law for any civil offense, breach of OH&S regulation or strict liability offense in connection with the discharge, dispersal, release or escape of pollutants.
This policy provides indemnity for financial loss due to insolvency of customers, to whom goods have been sold and delivered of for whom work has been undertaken on normal credit terms.
This policy covers the recall of the product manufactured by the insured.
Livestock insurance is a type of insurance policy that provides financial protection against the death or loss of livestock due to various perils, such as accidents, disease, theft, natural disasters, and other unexpected events. Livestock insurance is commonly used by farmers to protect their investment and livelihood.
Industrial Special Risks (ISP) has been designed to protect all types of mobile plant and equipment from the smallest post hole digger to the largest fixed or mobile cranes. ISP can be tailored to meet the needs of our clients and provides a simple and easy one quote, one application process.
Boat insurance provides security to ensure that you have the freedom and pleasure you desire while still being able to enjoy your favourite things.
Pleasure craft insurance protects your boat from damage, theft, or accident. Legal liability protection can also be included, which will protect you if you are held responsible for any injuries or property damage caused by your boat.
Boat insurance also provides limited coverage for accidental death or serious personal injury.
We can find policies that can provide cover for your personal valuables. Whether it’s stamps, coins, sports memorabilia, or other valuable collections, we can help cover all valuables.
Workers compensation insurance provides support for workers with a work-related injury. Most employers in Australia are legally required to have a workers compensation policy to protect them from the costs of workers compensation claims (unless they are exempt).

Whatever it is, be assured that our qualified advisors will listen to you and provided tailored insurance solutions you can rely on.
Sections you may need to consider.
Risks may be insured for a number of reasons, for example:
Inadequate loss limits - if the sum insured is less than the amount of your exposure, any loss in excess of the sum insured will not be insured.
No insurance - if you elect not to insure a particular risk, you must bear all losses yourself.
A deductible or excess under a policy – you must bear the first part of the loss up to the amount of the deductible or excess.
Excluded perils – some policies exclude perils, e.g. as flood, storm surge and subsidence. You will not be insured for an excluded peril unless you ask for the cover (which can be expensive as there is generally a limited availability of cover in these areas)
Our concern lies not so much in the fact that you may retain certain insurable risks, but that you may do so without fully recognising the fact, and without making a conscious decision to do so. Such conscious decisions should be reviewed from time to time in the light of changing circumstances. A potential problem area could arise from a series of losses, each subject to a heavy deductible.
A further concern is the possibility of the aggregation of self-insured risks. For example , one incident could give rise to a number of losses, leading to a combined loss figure well above an affordable level (e.g., a fire or explosion at a major location could involve building, plant and stock damage, business interruption, parked trucks and their loads, not to mention legal liability for injured workers and third parties’ property or injury).
With this in mind, the list above indicates a number of risks that you may not insure at present. While no list of uninsured risks can ever by exhaustive, we have aimed to highlight the more significant omissions from any Insurance Program. As any business is susceptible to change, we recommend you review all areas regularly to ensure that you are still comfortable with the scope of cover provided by your existing policies.
Commercial Property Vaulations:
Under Insurance
If you are under insured this can have a major effect on a claim on your property insurance. The underwriter has the ability to reduce your claim by the percentage of under insurance. For example if you have a building worth $1,000,000 to replace it, and it is only insured for $500,000 then you suffered from storm damage of $100,000 the claim can be reduced to $50,000 less your excess by the underwriter. To avoid under insurance issues, we recommend that you get your building and plant professionally valued.